How everybody! In this entry we will see how to write in the screen, to know for exemple how to show things like information or our score. Take a look at this code: We have already seen drwa string but l et me explain the new keyword used: locate to drive the cursor used by print to the desired position in the screen. print to print a value in the screen. When we execute this code we can see this: locate and print works together and understand the screen like tiles of 8x8 pixels where there's only place for a character (1,2,3,...,a,b,c,d,e,...,!"·$%&/..., etc) in each tile, starting at 1,1 position whre the fist number is the value of the row and the second value the column that's why the second message appears at the second row and starts at the fist column. The colors used are the default (black/white) or the one's selected by the color instruction that we talk about in the past entry. This is e nough by now, i...
In this blog we can learn to program in FreeBASIC through videogames, step by step, from zero. Come on and join the goal!